Welcome to Luis Torres Rubio
We are a family business founded in the middle of the last century, more specifically in 1955.
From a single section that included the work carried out by conventional milling machines and lathes, we have gone on to become a modern company divided into seven large departments: administration and management, technical office, CNC milling, CNC turning, auxiliary machinery, metrology and verification.
A qualified human team, avant-garde technology, vocation and commitment are our fundamental pillars.
The company is certified under the ISO 9001 quality management standard, where a verification department ensures that its guidelines are correctly complied with throughout the product manufacturing process.
What do we do?
We are dedicated to the machining of parts in general, turning and milling by Computerized Numerical Control (CNC), tooling manufacturing and project development. We work with all types of materials, such as titanium, alloy steels, stainless steels, plastics, aluminium...
We are constantly searching and developing new solutions for
improve production levels, but above all in achieving
higher quality for the satisfaction of our customers.
We supply medium and large companies in the steel, mining, naval, paper, construction, oil, chemical, graphic, plastic, agricultural, automotive, metallurgical, valve, electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic sectors, etc.
Technical office
A true production centre for the entire industry, from which six people are responsible for designing and carrying out the machining of parts using state-of-the-art computer engineering programs. We work both from plans and from samples supplied by the customer.
Department that, apart from the economic management of the company, is in charge of the reception of orders, purchase of materials and traceability of the product by means of an integral management system (ERP).
This department is responsible for ensuring correct compliance with the guidelines laid down by the ISO 9001 standard throughout the product's manufacturing process. As in the metrology department, we use calibrated and certified standards to verify our measuring instruments in order to meet our customers' expectations.
Auxiliary machinery
Parallel lathes, conventional milling machines, CNC shaping machines, threading machines, column drills and automatic saws, among others, are part of this section. In the example images, the one in the centre (a screen appears) must go to Metrology and Verification.
This department is made up of seven numerical control lathes, equipped with motorised turrets and Y-axis milling for finishing parts in a single position. Turning on the bed of up to 1000mm and a distance between points of up to 1600mm.
Milling CNC
It is made up of 14 CNC machining centres, eight of which have a palletised table for the manufacture of large series of parts. 4 of these machining centres are prepared with 4th axis, which allows us to manufacture spindles, circular cams..., and with high resolution in data reading for perfect finishes in 3D surface machining.
Composed of a presetter machine for measurement, examination, and preparation of tools. Composed by a presetter machine for measurement, examination, and preparation of tools for a greater precision in our machining. We have measurement standards certified by calibration laboratories accredited by ENAC (National Accreditation Entity), in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO/EC 17025 standard. We ensure correct compliance with the guidelines laid down by the ISO 9001 standard throughout the product manufacturing process and thus meet our customers' requirements.
Picture gallery
We are located in the Polígono Industrial Oeste, in Murcia (Spain), with easy access from the Murcia-Cartagena-Alicante-Andalucía motorways.
The facilities are distributed on a 4,500 square metre plot, where the industrial warehouse dedicated to production occupies an area of 2,000 square metres
Luis Torres Rubio,
Polígono Industrial Oeste. C/. Uruguay, Parcela 18/3. 30169 – San Ginés. Murcia (España)
Phone. 968 88 98 10 – 968 93 81 50 Fax. 968 93 81 49 E-mail info@en.luistorresrubio.com